| Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment


Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment

Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment

Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment

Foto of the CMS group members

Group Leader

Isabell Melzer-Pellmann

(group leader)

Phone: +49 40 8998 2489

Andreas Meyer (deputy)

Phone: +49 40 8998 3136

Andreas Mussgiller (deputy)

Phone: +49 40 8998 3983


CMS Secretariat

Birgit Breetzke

Anna Gerhardt

Phone: +49 40 8998 3680


Monday & Friday:
09:00 - 13:00

Tuesday - Thursday:
09:00 - 16:00


Further contacts

Detector Upgrade: Doris Eckstein, Andreas Mussgiller
Higgs Physics: Elisabetta Gallo, Rainer Mankel, Alexei Raspereza
QCD and Heavy Quarks:
Achim Geiser, Katerina Lipka
SUSY and Dark Matter: Kerstin Borras, Isabell Melzer-Pellmann
Exotics and Dark Matter: Christian Schwanenberger, Alexander Grohsjean
Top Physics: Maria Aldaya Martin, Andreas Meyer


Our group is also represented on instagram now, please have a look (and follow us if you like):

Welcome to the CMS group at DESY!

We work at the CMS experiment running at the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The CMS Detector is one of the most complex and precise scientific instruments ever constructed. It was built and is run by an international collaboration of over 200 institutes from more than 40 countries. In Germany, we have four CMS groups in different institutes: RWTH Aachen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hamburg University and DESY. The DESY CMS group with about 90 members is the largest German institute.

Here at DESY, we engage in activities ranging from physics analysis and contributions to data taking (monitoring and alignment) to detector hardware projects. Physics topics are addressed in the areas Top Quarks, Higgs, SUSY and Dark Matter Searches, QCD, as well as studies for parton density distributions in the proton. We also work on data quality monitoring, tracker alignment, high level trigger, the CASTOR calorimeter, the beam condition monitoring as well as research and development for the tracker upgrade. DESY is also a Tier-2-site and thus directly involved in the LHC-computing for the data processing chain.

The DESY CMS group offers diverse opportunities for Diploma, Masters and PhD theses both in physics analysis and in more technical areas. If you are interested please have a look at our open projects and/or contact our group leaders (see info box on the right).

Upcoming Events

Oct 17: CMS Outing, please PAY by Thursday, Oct.. 10!
Nov 13: DESY DAY 2024
Nov 18, 2024 Empowerment-Workshop: Queer at Work
Nov 18-22, 2024 CAT hackathon at DESY
Nov 27-29, 2024: German strategy workshop "The future of Collider Physics"
Dec 09-13, 2024: CMS Week, CERN

CMS publications

Have a look at our list of CMS publications with major contributions from DESY/CMS

97th Meeting of the DESY Physics Review Committee

Here you find a presentation of our latest activities and achievements held at the last PRC Meeting at DESY/Hamburg on 24 April 2024:
Speaker: Federico Vazzoler on behalf of the DESY CMS group
Title: CMS Highlights plus LHC Computing

CMS New Years Party 2024

In January we went for a curling tournament on the ice rink in 'Planten un Blomen' and had much fun. Afterwards we warmed up in the restaurant 'September' and enjoyed its large variety of food and beverages (more photos in sync & share).